Monday 6 February 2017

Beginning with the circumstances and consequences of her short-lived marriage with Mukesh Agarwal (where he also manages to get some insights from former Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar, who had dealt with the case then), he then goes back to her uneasy childhood and then follows a linear approach.Apart from the expected chapters on Amitabh Bachchan and Silsila, one telling one is her brusque treatment of Puneet Issar, who had nearly ended Amitabh's career in 1982.

But one place where what Usman could have done more was give us some more information, like co-stars and plots, of her films, including 25 in 1977 and 1978, rather than just listing the names and asking if any "rings a bell".

On the other hand, there is also an insightful comparison with an iconic foreign actress (not Greta Garbo), while overall, Usman brings out the sad cost of movie stardom, especially for women, who are expected to be larger-than-life, engage in all kinds of exploits and controversies (which we relish reading about) but judged harshly for all this when they seek a normal life - and fail.

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