Wednesday 25 January 2017

Lip service? 70% of total funds received by political parties from unknown sources

Despite paying lip service to curbing black money, political parties continue to claim that 70% of their money comes from unknown source.
Despite the lip service paid by political parties to curb black money in the economy, all political parties continue to hide the sourceof 70% of their funds. As per the ADR’s data from 2004 to 2014 all political parties combined received Rs 11,367 crore and 70 percent of the money was received from unknown sources. As per the rule, it is not mandatory to furnish the source of the donation below Rs 20,000.
The total income of political parties from known donors remains at 16 percent which amounts to Rs 1835 crore and a total income from other known sources which includes membership drive is pegged around Rs 1698 crore or 15 percent of the total income.
According to the report, out of 51 regional parties, 45 have not submitted their donation statements to the ECI for the last financial year. And there are 12 regional parties who have never filed their contribution report as per the ADR report. For example, as per the ADR report, NCP did not submit its donation report to the ECI between 2004-5 and 2006-7.
As per the ADR’s analysis, Congress received 83 percent of funds from anonymous sources. For BJP, it stood at 65 percent and for SP a staggering 94 percent. The biggest surge was noticed in the war chest of BSP. In ten years BSP’s war chest surged from Rs 5.9 crore to Rs 111.9 crore which is a jump of 2057 percent. BSP also remains the only political party which maintains that it has never received any political funding above Rs 20,000.
The data accessed by ADR also shows that money from anonymous sources also surged in the last 10 years. As per the data, the income of national parties from unknown sources increased by 313 percent and for the regional parties it increased by 652 percent. In this category, DMK remains the only regional party to have highest income from known sources which is absent in most of the other regional parties.
As per the data accessed by ADR, Samajwadi Party had the highest income at Rs 819 crore, followed by DMK with Rs 203 crore and AIADMK with Rs 165 crore.


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